Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bubbles the Mallard

It was a cool morning around Lake Balboa and as I sat with Steve at his usual spot he pointed to a mallard that had a very odd shape beak looking like a nasty tumor.
“Bubble Beak or Bubbles for short, barely eats on dry land unlike other mallards because of this tumor. It prevents him from eating normally and he has to labor hard to get something in his mouth” said Steve “but he eats well in the water”.
I also heard that a biologist there stated that nothing can be done to save the poor creature and it looks like he might not going to survive long. Lets hope he will, he looks so happy.  
Watching this Mallard suffering made us all a bit sad, but this mallard is a survivor and he is seen swimming around the lake happily like any other mallard there. Such a survivor.

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