Friday, July 20, 2012

The Mist Trai (Part 2) - Vernal Falls

After a short break at the Vernal Falls bridge we continued our hike on the mist trail to Vernal Falls. The trail continued to climb up, we knew we have about 1,000ft elevation to make. However, most of the trail runs in the shade and only small portions of it are bare.

The water gushing among huge boulders created some coolness as well as wonderfully scene and made it easy for us to hike. Streaming water is always relaxing.


Again we were accompanied by a pair of squirrels who insisted on staying with us until we threw something for them to eat. They even made a love scene hoping this will persuade us to feed them but we didn’t budge, we want to keep them wild and fit. So, they gave up and split.

The trail continued to climb up while wrapping itself beneath the trees along the edge of the hills.

Now we got close to that section that was going to be very misty and wet. The trail was eroded and large chunks of it just broke, so you have to be careful and observe your surroundings. While climbing we always maintained our position close to the hillside.

 That’s the reason for the name Mist Trail. At this section of the trail the mist caused by the force of the gushing water coming down from the fall above is enormous. We got wet but since we were prepared with plastic bags our photo equipment remained dry.  Other hikers weren’t that lucky and damage to photo equipment occurred.

This section is wet as you can see. The rocks are soaked and slippery and you have to exercise extra caution climbing up. 

This is also the section where you start climbing on stairs carved in the boulders. It is dangers but not impossible. On the most slippery trail section a rail was installed to help us hold our balance.

It is so misty and wet that puddles were formed on the ground and make our hiking booths get wet.

Once we passed that misty section of the trail it turn dry and nice and we saw a nice rainbow above that area. The contrast of the rainbow against the trees and wet boulders makes it look incredible.

 At this point we arrived at the foot of vernal fall and the scene is spectacular. Water gushing from 317ft. down in full force. The sound of those gushing water is enormous and the air feels vibrated. Many hikers stop at this point to get their picture taken, after all this is what Yosemite National Park is all about.

Continue to climb those brick stairs we are almost at the top of vernal fall.

Just a few more stairs and we’ll be on top of Vernal Falls.

After a long steady climb we reached the top of Vernal Fall and Jacob started to take pictures. There we took a break and had lunch. The second chapter of our hike is completed.
Looking down at the falling water displayed a spectacular scene.

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