Monday, July 23, 2012

Mirror Lake

Last year when we visited Mirror Lake it was late August and this lake was a mire puddle, so we figure this year since we’re going to visit Yosemite at the beginning of June there will be more water in this lake. Not even close, looks like the water evaporated faster than you can possible think, and again we face with an empty lake with some puddles here and there. It was a real disappointment but we try to make the best out of it. 

Soon as we got of the shuttle we start hiking about a mile toward the lake.

The paved road is the trail itself and we didn’t encounter any traffic on it back or fourth.

About half a mile before the lake there is a bike rack where you leave your bike and hike the rest of the way to the lake.

Along the road runs the Tenaya Creek which forms interesting mini waterfall and a whole array of colors as it journey down between the rocks.

This is the disappointing picture we found soon as we arrived to the lake. Even though it was early in the season, still most of the water evaporated and only a few puddles left.

Water was ankle deep and people just walk there back and fourth wetting their ankle in the cold water or whatever left of it.

We walked around trying to find a nice spot to take a picture that will resemble any mirror view of what it suppose to look, and that is the best we could come up with, Bummer!

Luckily we saw a bunch of Swallow Tail butterflies which stole the show with their nectar collecting skills display.

Since there was not much to see in Mirror Lake we hiked back and hop on the shuttle to our next destination.

A long face that displays the pleasure of almost dry Mirror Lake, maybe next time will be luckier.

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