Monday, July 23, 2012

The John Muir Trail

After spending about 3 hours on top of Nevada Falls, eating lunch, taking a million pictures and enjoying the scene it was time to head back. We chose to hike down on the John Muir Trail which is longer than the Mist Trail and provide us with more spectacular views of Nevada Falls and the valley below.

Right as we started the hike we encountered a flooded trail and needed to exercise more caution hiking on the stones to avoid getting our shoes wet, not to mention injured.

The trail wound itself around in such a way to create a panoramic view of Nevada Falls, water is dripping down from the top of the walls (It’s raining, it’s raining…) and creates little puddles along the way. We exercised more caution to avoid slipping down and getting wet. The scene was gorgeous and worth all the effort.

This particular area is very popular and attracts visitors from around the world who stop to take their pictures with Nevada Falls in the background.

Part of the trail is being used for transporting freight or horse riding and the right of way is always to the horses and mules, so when we encountered this mule train coming we gave them the right of way of course.

Continuing hiking the trail we reached a set of switchbacks which seems nice and stony.

One last look at Nevada Falls before we start descending toward the valley floor.

Navigating through a set of switchbacks toward the valley floor.

We reached Clark Point where trail to Vernal Falls is to the right and trail to the valley floor is to the left. We took the left trail on our way down to the valley floor.

…and the fun continued as we navigated our way amidst the stones, keeping a close eye were we set our foot as to avoid any mishap or injury.

We got stuck behind a passenger mule train that made their way too slowly and caused a bunch of hikers to come into a crawl behind. So the leader stop the train and let us cut true a side stair case in order to pass them and that was very nice gesture on part of the leader and helped us reach our destination without delay.

Continuing on our way down, getting close to our destination, the valley floor.

Finally we reached the valley floor near the Vernal Falls bridge where we started our hike that morning. Amy and Jacob took one last picture before we reached our car and went home.

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